
Friday, February 1, 2008

maybe I'm not clueless

I'm one of those people who look at photos of so-called "high fashion" and feel totally and uterly clueless. How do they know to pair those items together? It's all very confusing to me. I second guess my sense of style all the time. I need an example before I can envision it on myself. I mostly stick to the very basic mass produced items and tend to catch on to a trend late in the game; mostly because by the time it's affordable it's past it's peak coolness. I'm ok with all of this but that doesn't mean I'm not fascinated by fashion and what others deam fashionable. I strive to be more fashionable. So I was very excited to see an item that I just ordered on a very trend setting DC blog fashion is spinach. This Old Navy tote was listed on the Lucky Shop Girl blog too. How cool. I ordered it because it will be perfect for pool and beach trips in Manila and double as a diaper bag too. Justin stop reading here. In my Old Navy order I didn't stop at the canvas tote. I also picked up some great cotton basic tees for Addie for this summer and an adorable, ridiculously cheap ($19.50), retro print one-piece halter swim suit for myself. I don't care if this is fashionable or not. It's totally me! Justin start reading again here. All in all the order cost less than the swim suit I was going to order at Ralph Lauren. Man, I'm a bargain hunter!

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