
Monday, February 11, 2008

on milestones

We've taken a lot of pictures of Addie in the bath. She's always loved soaking in the tub. Thinking back at some of the older bath pictures makes me sad realizing how much she's grown. I guess I've been in a sappy mood lately. Every day she's further and further from the baby I gave birth to and closer and closer to a little girl. On one hand it's amazing watching the transformation but on the other hand heartbreaking knowing that my little warm chubby baby will never be that tiny little newborn again. Instead my daughter is freefalling forward in life. Every milestone she tumbles into. She's diving head first into crawling. It must feel like learning to use the cross bars as a child. I remember being so excited every day to try to learn to cross the bars on our swing set. Once I got it I couldn't stop. I barely wanted to do anything but play on the bars. At school I couldn't wait to try out my new learned technique. The excitement and concentration in my daughter's eyes while she is on her hands and knees trying to coordinate her arms and legs to propel herself forward is so inspiring. Learning to crawl is Addie's obsession right now, her cross bars, she wants to do little else. When she crawls for the first time I will be cheering the loudest as I will be at every milestone and accomplishment she achieves forever more. On days like these I just want to push pause on life and memorize who my daughter is at this moment, becaue I know that even in the very next moment she won't be the same as the last.


  1. Ok soooo Cute! The top pic is now my back ground on my desktop. Can't wait to see you all.

  2. She has gotten so big. Even the pics in the book I made do not show how much she has grown.
