
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Aunt Megan was here!

Megan came to visit this weekend which was so much fun! I love having my sistger close enough to visit. Addie immediately recognized her Aunt Megan which was cute to see. The entire weekend Addie played with Megan and rolled around the floor. She's moving herself around the house easily now. She's not crawling but she's definitely moving. Her mode of transportation is creative and unique. It elicited laughs from all of us over the last three days. Megan and I had an opportunity today to get out alone. We got lunch and did some shopping in Old Town Alexandria. I admit I was looking forward to those few house for the entire week. It was a really wonderful weekend. Knowing that soon we won't get to have frequent visits from Addies Aunt Megan we savored every moment. We love you Megan! Here are some pictures from the weekend.

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