
Thursday, January 17, 2008

snow/sick/mental health day

Today was a much needed day at home. Addie had a fever last night which we have a hunch it is associated with another tooth coming. The entire family didn't get much sleep last night. Addie and I stayed home today. She wasn't feeling well but my arterial motive was to get some extra time with my daughter since this week has been rushed. The snow started falling mid morning and then turned into freezing rain and then back into snow. Our day at home turned into a cold wet snowy day. It made our time in our cozy warm house even more conducive for snuggling. We played and read stories. I rocked and sang to her extra long before her naps peering at her sweet sleeping face in my arms and breathing in her warm clean baby smell. Being Mommy all day was just what the doctor ordered. I haven't felt this rested or fulfilled in a few weeks.

You can tell by the mess we made that we had fun!

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