
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

best weekend

I guess I've been holding out on blogging because I'm in denial that this past weekend is over. It was the best I've had in a long time. We did so much that amounted to very little and it was glorious! We tried out z pizza which was awesome. I am in LOVE with pizza lately and this place was totally cool. I ordered the Gorgonzola, walnut, and pear salad along with my pizza-perfection! I highly recommend it.

We watched movies and some DVR'd TV, cleaned out our closets and started the daunting process of getting packed for our move. We took an amazing 6 bags to Goodwill just from our bedroom. I love getting rid of stuff, it's so freeing. I had a gazillion sweaters from 2003 that Justin insisted I junk. I admit he's right sometimes. Addie played while we cleaned, she seemed happy to be with her parents for three whole days. We had so much fun together. We also took a bunch of baby stuff to storage. We packed up her swing, the play gym, and two Boppies. Amazing that she's out grown those things! It definitely made space in our living room for all Addie's new toys.
We read a lot this weekend; to Addie and for our own enjoyment. We are devouring all our Powell's finds. I love the Marian Keyes I picked up. Laugh out loud funny. Megan- you are going to want to borrow these. I took a delicious nap on Monday morning; 1.5 hours of dream filled bliss while my baby napped, my dog snuggled at my feet and my husband read in bed beside me. Pure bliss. Justin and I indulged in some cozy evenings with movies and hot cocoa after Addie went to bed, then read late into the night before we turned the lights out. The whole weekend was fabulous.
Therefore, Tuesday was harder than usual! Justin had a hard time dropping Addie at daycare this morning and all day I missed my little sugar pie. We really had a sweet weekend just the three of us. Addie was teething again so it wasn't until Sunday night that she started to sleep more soundly, hence I slept more soundly as well. She definitely wants her Mom when she's not feeling quite well. The third tooth hasn't shown itself yet. I can't believe we have to go through this for every tooth!

I experienced a wonderful moment as a Mommy on Monday night. Addie was fussing in bed having a tough time getting herself to sleep so I went up to rock her a bit. She finally found a spot in my arms that allowed her to gaze up at me while I sang to her. She just stared into my eyes and then put her little hand on my cheek while I sang, her eyelids fluttering as she tried to keep them open. She twirled her fingers in my hair and smiled as she watched me. It is a wonderful moment when you feel loved by your child.

Alas, the work week came even though I wished it away last night.

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