
Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sunday in Maryland

Today was a perfect family day, jam packed with friends and family. Our friend Heather dropped in to say hi and share a pumpkin chocolate chip muffin and a cup a coffee (that's the way every morning should start). Then we were off to Maryland to meet Baby Eli! Wow, what a beautiful little boy. He is melt your heart adorable, and a good baby. These kids can't get any cuter. We told Ben to hold on tight to Addie! We couldn't be happier for our friends Joe and Elyse! They have such a beautiful family.

Next stop was Grandpa, Kathy, and Uncle Tyler's house. Addie was so adorable rolling around on the floor playing with her feet (her new favorite toys). For such a busy day she was super happy! She's such a good girl.

It's back to work/day care on Monday. Why can't the weekends be longer? It's a good thing we made the most of this one.

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