
Saturday, November 3, 2007

Girls Day

Today Justin had the day with the guys so Addie and I had the whole day to hang out, go to the mall, and cook. It was a perfect fall day; sunny and cool.

We picked up a gift for Baby Eli, who we get to meet tomorrow. While at Gymboree, I couldn't help but pick up two adorable shirts for Addie. We know what Daddy will say. "She doesn't need anymore clothes!" But Daddy, they were on sale!!! I love Gymboree, and I love having a girl.

My Mom's 5 hour stew recipe is bubbling away in the oven right now. Addie hung out in her ExerSaucer and played while I chopped away. Take a look at those beautiful fall colors. It's going to taste delicious with a big warm loaf of french bread with butter.

1 comment:

  1. Hey sis~
    You are soo cute, and so is Addie. I am so glad that you are doing this I love to see what you all are doing in VA. Love you all, Em
