
Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

On this abnormally warm Thanksgiving, our main goal this year was to eat way too much food. I'm proud to say we reached our goal. The meal was absolutely amazing as always. Uncle Tim and Aunt Leslie especially outdid themselves on the twice baked mashed potatoes (recipe from Paula Dean). The sweet potato casserole was sweet and nutty like always. The gravy was super yummy. The food was superb but the company was even better. We dressed in our coolest fall clothing (I had on short sleeves and open toed shoes). Addie was adorable in her pink one piece outfit. We talked and laughed with Kiki and Po and all the family. We enjoyed having Megan with us for the third year in a row! We are so thankful for our family and the enjoyable time we get to spend together. We are also thankful for our family we didn't get to see this Thanksgiving. Addie and Justin, and I have so many people in our lives who love and support us. We are so blessed.

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