
Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday = Best Day Ever

Megan and I conquer Tyson's Corner on Black Friday as an annual tradition. Last year I was pregnant; Addie was just a little jelly bean causing me to stop and pee every 45 min and eat every 90 min. I was exhausted last year so this year I had to shop extra hard to make up for my handicap from last year. We got a later start this morning than we would have liked. Addie was up last night quite a bit (cold and messy diapers) so I turned off the 6 AM alarm and soaked in a few extra hours of much needed sleep. When we finally got in the Jeep to drive to the mall Megan and I were giddy with anticipation of all the glorious gifts we were going to buy. And buy we did . I completed quite a bit of my shopping for family. I could have spent a lot of money on my daughter, but I limited myself to a few cute things. I am in love with a new kids store Pumpkin Patch. This line of clothing just opened it's own retail store and all I can say is "Thank You". Everything is precious. All the girls clothes have adorable appliques of darling childhood scenes, lots of patchwork and colorful stitching around the edges of sleeves and collars. The colors are bright and cheerful. Everything looks whimsical and a tad European. I love it. I treated myself to a few goodies at Sephora. I am adding the fresh sent Sugar Lychee to my wish list this year. Yum Yum. Megan and I grabbed a power lunch of salad and spinach artichoke dip at Coastal Flats. We finished the meal with See's Candy (thank goodness the East Coast has discovered See's). After lunch we shopped as long as our feet and our pocketbooks would allow then headed home to revel in all our retail glory. The festive crowds, Christmas carols, and holiday decorations put me in the Christmas spirit. What a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh See's...greatmemories of slipping away from mom and running in to the blackand white checkered store to get one of theose goody samples, my favorite part of any mall trip. I wish i could say my after Thanksgiving shopping time was spectacular but it was lame. I went to Barnes and Noble but me and mom had to leave because i was feeling very tired and a little dizzy, tooo much up and down looking at all those books! I miss you all and am really excited to end this semester and spend some time with no homework and family!
