
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 1: Evening in Paris walking

Day 1: After a long walk and metro ride back from the Eiffel tower we ventured in our neighborhood for a late dinner at Mucha Cafe.  I had salad with goat cheese toast, French onion soup and a glass of wine.  I guess this goat cheese toast with salad thing is a pretty typical appetizer for most French restaurants.  Fine with me.  It’s awesome.
The walking is so wonderful.  The fresh air and the evening sunlight shines so brightly without a cloud of pollution hanging over the city.  We’ve navigated our way through many of the famous touristy things to see so we can now move on to some shopping and neighborhood exploration.  
We even stopped at a little grocery store and I ran my fingers longingly over the dish soap, yogurt and crackers.  The little pharmacies even caught my attention with all the soaps, lotions and creams.  Ooh this is fun!

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