
Thursday, December 6, 2012

creative freedom

A friend of ours asked me to create a birthday "something" for a friend of hers who is celebrating her birthday with a hike this Saturday.  Her and her friends are hiking up a mountain and I was tasked with creating something that can have a candle stuck in it and eaten at the top.  Is that a fun task or what? I love being given the creative freedom for something like this.  

I immediately decided I was going to make a sugar cookie cake.  It can be disassembled for packing in a backpack if needed.  I am providing a little bag of icing for any fixes that are needed.  The candle can be stuck in that little blog of icing at the top.  

I like that the cake ended up resembling a Christmas tree.  I tinted the icing two shades of teal but after the assembly and the silver balls it really looks more holiday festive than I had initially imagined.  But I like it and I hope the birthday girl does too.  Her friends can help her eat the cake or the individual frosted cookies I made to go on the hike as well.  
I think if I were to do this again for a birthday in any month other than December (where I wouldn't want the cake to look like a tree), I'd use a variety of fun birthday colors for the frosting and sprinkles.  The star shaped cookies really make the tree have branches so maybe those could be eliminated as well.  

This was a lot of fun to make and decorate.  Do you like sugar cookies?  They are one of my guilty pleasures!


  1. I do love sugar cookies. Do you have a recipe that you like to use? Any secrets?

  2. Emily,
    I have a great recipe I will share with you. I also have a great frosting recipe that hardens so the cookies can be stacked and they won't stick to one another. I think it's key to refrigerate the dough and work it in batches so it doesn't get too soft. Make the cookies thicker than you might have a tendency to because they won't brown on the edges when cooked too much!

  3. That would be great! I would love a great recipe! Thank you so much!
