
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day 2012

The girls and I love pampering Justin.  I love that the girl to boy ratio is so skewed in our family that we can thoroughly smother Daddy in all our girly love on Father's Day.  To be honest, most days he gets this treatment since Addie and Bella are totally Daddy's girls, but on Father's Day we went the extra mile.

We let Dad sleep in until 6:45 AM.  Which is almost an entire hour longer than sleeps most days.  He was thrilled to come downstairs to find a special breakfast and lots of homemade tokens of love.

We set up his patio breakfast with coffee and his favorite magazines to read along with tabascco sauce for his omelet and bacon.  The girls take all the credit for the decorations.  When I was a little girl we called German pancakes "Yummy pancakes" and they were served as a special treat.  Daddy got Yummy pancakes too.  One with the traditional lemon juice and powdered sugar and one with cinnamon and sugar.  Delicious.

I'm kind of in love with these early morning messy-hair shots of my wonderful husband with his girls.

Yummy pancakes have to be the easiest alternative to regular pancakes ever.  If you ever get tired of the same old flapjacks, try these.

Warm a number 10 cast iron frying pan in a preheated 425 degree oven with a big pad of butter in it.  When it's all melted pour in the lumpy mixture of the following:
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/2 flour
pinch of salt
pinch of nutmeg

Cook in the cast iron pan for 10-12 minutes.  It will get big and puffy then fall and pull away from the sides as it cools.  Sprinkle with powdered sugar and lemon juice for a traditional topping or anything else your heart desires.  The cinnamon and sugar was a hit with the kids.

Happy Father's Day!


  1. Happy belated Father's Day, Justin! You sure are loved by many women -:)

  2. Happy Father's Day Justin!! Those pancakes look incredibly yummy!
