
Sunday, June 24, 2012

around Addis Ababa

A few weeks back we drove about 30 miles outside of the city to the Bethel Women's shelter.  We took a ton of wrong turns and missed all the land marks but finally found it.  After our picnic we were ambushed by a huge group of local children.  We had a few extra pieces of cake which J handed out.  By "handed out", I mean try not to get knocked over by the kids grabbing bits of cake from his hand extended above his head.  As we left, some of the children were picking crumbs of cake off the ground to nibble on.  It broke my heart. I am ordering soft candies to take with us to hand out to kids.  I hate not being able to give each child a little treat.  Addie and Bella had a hard time grasping that the children were so excited to try a piece because it was most  likely their first taste of cake...ever.  Blew our kids minds.

Sheraton Addis Ababa is a beautiful oasis of rose gardens, swimming pools, fountains and play grounds in Addis Ababa. It's the nicest hotel in the city.  Sometimes we drive there just to play on the shaded playground.
It's hard to believe these two outings happened in the same country!  

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