
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Addie's Unbirthday Party

The Mad Hatters Tea Party was so fun!  We had most of Addie's classmates and their parents come to celebrate with us.  The house was full of laughter and giggling and good food.  Addie was thrilled and it was so fun to see all her little friends interact.  After the time together at school I love seeing the friendships that have blossomed.  I didn't get any photos of the Queens croquet with the flamingos and spiky balls but painting the roses was a huge hit!

The tea party in pictures:

The kids table

Addie helped make a Cheshire cat
5 candles

painting the roses red

a few of Addie's close friends: Addie, Avery, Fiona and Ellie
Addie with her new birthday dress and scooter from Grammy and Grandpa
party in motion-everyone lining up to have cake


  1. You are such a wonderful mother- this party would have been a dream-come-true for any Disney Child. *grin*

  2. You did an amazing job with Addie's party, I love it! They are lucky girls. Love the Ashlynn and baked ziti updates. Miss ya!

    ps - we are having a BOY!!

  3. What a great party!! I love the idea of painting the roses red!
