
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Officially Fall

It’s October 1, the official beginning of Fall in my mind.  Every year during this time we long for Virginia and the gorgeous trees turning golden.  Football season starts and it’s next to impossible for my super fan husband to catch a game without 1) having to set his internal clock for 1AM to get up and watch.  2) laying on the floor silently cheering while he peers at a 4 inch by 4 inch video of the game on the laptop. 3) the internet going out so he misses the second half of the game entirely.  I feel for him and I have promised him the most amazing game watching parties upon our return to America some day.  Believe me, you will want to be at our house for game days!  But that's years down the road right now.  

The Autumn in America is kind of a big deal.  We all bust out our scarves and boots and start wearing plum.  It’s a cozy time of year with pumpkin lattes and crock pot meals.  Only hear in Ethiopia, the summer weather is returning and we’re putting away our boots and scarves.  I’ve been making stews and soups for the last 3 months during rainy season.  We’re closing that chapter in the weather here while it’s just beginning back at home.  How frustrating.
So yes, we whine a little about wishing we could take the girls to pumpkin patches (they whine too) and it would be lovely to hike the Shenandoah in the coming weeks.  But we make due and pray the internet holds out for another NFL round this weekend. 

Today marks the start of Fall whether you’re in the US or in Africa.  There’s no denying it.  So out came the pumpkins and the very beginnings of Halloween decorations (you know how nuts I am about Halloween). 

I also decided to treat the girls to a sweet potato souffle for dinner tonight.  It’s not healthy, by any stretch of the imagination. But it's good and it tastes like the Fall!

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