
Friday, November 9, 2012

my new favorite cookies

I made scrumptious malted milk chocolate cupcakes with fluffy malted chocolate frosting this week for Ladytroupe Sweets Market Day.  They completely sold out.  I didn't even get a bite!  It's very sad.

But the really good news is that I have a new favorite cookie.  It's a soft ginger cookie and I turned them in to little sandwiches with a sweet molasses date filling.  The combination of flavors is so perfectly seasonal and delicious.  It's a really nice change from the chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies I make upon request every week for Market Day.

Plus they are bundled so sweetly with bakers twine they look like little delicious presents.  Don't worry, this recipe will be provided in detail when I get a chance this weekend.
I sneaked a bite of these cookies which is why I immediately started making a second batch the moment after baking the first.  

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