
Monday, August 13, 2012

The Four Sisters Restaurant

As you can imagine, Gonder worked it's way into my heart immediately.  Justin said the moment he arrived in Gonder a few weeks ago he took one look around and said "my wife would love it here, I'm bringing my family back". He was right and he did!  The history, the culture, the smells and sights and sounds.  It honestly felt like I might have walked through time back to the 18th century (only I brought the hot water heater with me for showering).

One of the gems of our trip for me was eating amazing Ethiopian food.  Justin travels a ton and eats more local cuisine that me. I don't have an Ethiopian cook to make me tibs and injera every week so I am always craving Ethiopian food (usually when Justin's craving a burger).  Our cravings don't always match up so I was thrilled to be "stuck" eating Ethiopian food in Gonder this weekend.

We lucked out because The Four Sisters Restaurant in Gonder is superb.  The atmosphere is wonderful and the dinning area is up to Western standards; simply top notch.  Everything was authentic and delicious and oh boy the bozena shiro was amazing.  I could have eaten it for three meals a day both days we were in town.  The four sisters were there and actually own and run the restaurant.
Tej pouring
Their mother brews the Tej which is honey mead or wine.  It's the best Tej I've ever tasted.  The flavors are complex and it's not too strong.
coffee beans roasted for coffee ceremony
They perform a traditional coffee ceremony for all the guests.  Coffee beans are roasted right in front of you and let you smell them after they are roasted.  Then they brew the coffee and you get a cup after dinner.
hand washing
traditional music
incense burning
In Gonder I don't think there is any other place you need to visit to eat.  The tibs and injera were delicious, the vegetable rice, spinach and cabbage were flavored well.  But the bozena shiro won my heart.
ceilings painted with traditional Ethiopian paintings


  1. I love all of these posts on Gonder! It looks so beautiful and the roasting coffee thing and then drinking it after dinner?? That sounds absolutely to die for. The pictures are so lovely! Are the bird photos from Gonder too? It looks like paradise!

  2. Yes, the birds were at our lodge. We just sat in the courtyard and watched the birds. Perfection!
