
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ethiopian eggs

I was thinking about a conversation I had with a newcomer who told me about her first trip grocery shopping and how she was shocked to find the expiration date on the butter only two weeks from the day she bought it.  She explained that in the States they'd go through four sticks of butter in maybe 6 months. Sometimes it took them a year to use it!  I chuckled a little bit because as I expected, she came back to me a month later enlightened to the ways of cooking in the third world.  Now with a new appreciation for butter!

Cooking in the third world requires all the basics; butter, cream, flour and lots and lots of eggs.  There is zero prepackaged food here.  Anything (of quality) you want to eat, has to be made by you!  Needless to say, we go through a ton of these kitchen staples.  Especially eggs!
We can buy fresh large brown eggs (the equivalent of medium or large eggs in the States) and small white Ethiopian eggs. I just recently decided to try the local eggs.  They are very tiny but the flavor is rich and the color is bright yellow.  They are delicious!
All eggs have to be bleached and floated to make sure they are clean and fresh
mini egg and cheese souffles for breakfast.  It is HARD to make a souffle at this altitude.  They were collapsing as I took that photo.
I haven't used them in baking and probably won't because I'm not sure about the substitution.  Instead, I use them for omelets and quiche or frittatas.  I use two small Ethiopian eggs for every one large brown egg in my recipes.  The taste can't be beat.
I swear I didn't adjust the color on this photo.  The eggs are bright yellow!

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