
Monday, July 23, 2012

when life gives you limes, make limeade

There are no lemons in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  Only limes.  We're making lots of limeade in our house right now.  The rainy season in Ethiopia is kind of kicking my butt.  The cold dark dreary mornings beg me to pull the covers up under my chin and ignore the brand new week ahead of me.  The heavy rain that pours down every day is sucking the life out of me a little more with each passing day.  It's taking a lot of effort to not let this consume me.

So I'm making limeade.  Friday I had the rare afternoon at the beauty salon getting my hair a much needed trim and the bonus of a pedicure!  That lifted my spirits immensely.  I came home just in time to put the baby to sleep. That giant smile on her face as if she hadn't seen me for a week melted my heart.  Bedtime that night for all three girls was sweet, as I imagine it feels for my working husband every night.  The stories, kisses, songs are all sweeter when you have been missing your children all day.  I'm the sap that experiences this after 3 hours at the beauty salon.  I really savored those bedtime kisses that night.

Saturday we met a new family with two little boys and a brand new puppy they adopted just a few days ago.  It's so nice talking to other parents about life in Ethiopia.  I always start the conversation off with "I really like it here" and finish with "there is lots of quality family time here", which is a pleasant reminder to myself that I do actually truly feel this way about Addis Ababa, Ethiopia!  I really do.

Sunday we hosted our own brunch, because if I've learned anything about surviving in this country it's that hosting friends for food has a heartwarming and spirit lifting effect.  I think I just like to feed people.  I like to eat too.

It was a lovely long drawn out brunch with my new favorite scones (bacon, cheddar, rosemary), quiche, grilled tomatoes with cheese, roasted potatoes, German pancakes and lots of coffee.  The sun peaked through the clouds and our girls and the two visiting girls all put on a little song and dance show for us in costumes.

How's that for limeade?  


  1. Limes are amazingly delicious, as is limeade. :-) Yet another of your beautiful pictures is my background image at work now!

    Not to go all Polyanna on youy, but there are many blessings that come in the form of gray and rainy days...

  2. I should move past the metaphorical limeade and actually make some fresh for the mornings! I think growing up in Washington has actually prepared me well for rainy seasons all over the world. Rain is cozy in a way. But sometimes those Monday mornings are so tough!!!
