
Friday, May 18, 2012

sunshine and...

lots of flies.  The short rainy season is over.  The heat is back and the flies are disgusting right now.  I guess the flies hatch and invade Ethiopia for about a month until rainy season hits.  I'm the fly hunter in the house.  All our Economist issues are rolled up and covered in fly guts right now because I don't know about you, but I cannot handle flies hanging around the dinner table.

Other than that, we are enjoying the sunshine.  Adelaide seems to have moved past her separation anxiety stage.  Drop offs at school are sans tears finally and her handwriting is amazing! Arabella is rocking her new bangs and in general acting more like a big girl now that SHE has decided it's cool to do so.  Ashlynn is on the move.  She's on the verge of the crawling breakthrough which means my life is about to get a lot more chaotic!

But seriously, all three of my daughters are pretty darn sensational.


  1. Your daughters are beautiful! Your pictures make me realize I need a better camera. ;)

  2. Thanks Chelsea! I have an old Nikon D40 but the 50mm lens is great for low lighting portraits. I highly recommend it!
