
Monday, May 7, 2012

one hour

Today my housekeeper prearranged with me to arrive an hour later than normal for work.  To help with Addie's separation anxiety I had been going in the car for school drop offs.  To do that this morning, I would have had to bring Ashlynn with us in the car and she would miss her morning nap.  Justin and I talked to Addie and she agreed that this morning she could be extra brave and allow our driver to take her and Bella to school without me.  I plied her with watching a DVD on the car ride and tinted chap stick.  She gave me a kiss with glossy pink lips and waved goodbye this morning without too much trouble.
Oh what to do with the hour of alone time I had before Eneye arrived for work?

I peacefully nursed Ashlynn and laid her down for her nap without rushing.  After getting her down I came downstairs to a silent house.  I am immensely grateful for this silence and for the half a cup of cold coffee that was still in the coffee pot waiting for me.  I popped the mug in the microwave, added a little milk (which I am also grateful  for since it's not always available) and some sugar.  Perfection.  Coffee in Ethiopia is like mangoes in the Philippines.  If you make the trip to either of these countries only to sample these treats, your trip will not be in vain.  I am already researching espresso/cappuccino machines for our Christmas gift to ourselves this year.  

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