
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

love tokens

The girls are always presenting me with sweet little buds they pick from the garden.  Bella runs inside, flower in hand, and throws it behind her back the moment after she gets my attention.  "I have a furprise for you!" she says.  Then she dramatically brings the flower out from hiding and presents me with it proudly.  I of course gush with gratitude every single time.  It's so darn sweet but most of the time the little flowers get tossed aside as quickly as they are picked.  Not anymore.  This bud vase should keep all my pretty furprises for us to enjoy.  


  1. That is perfect!! Such a delightful way to display your love tokens!!

  2. Sis, remember when we did this with mom...this post totally brought back memories of picking flowers in the yard! I love bella's sweet heart. Love you!
