
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

no help needed

If Ashlynn could speak she'd say "don't help me, I can do it all by myself" just like her big sisters.  She's been sitting up on her own for some time now.  Just within the last week or two I've felt comfortable leaving her without a pillow behind her.  She almost never teeters backwards anymore.   Note her new favorite teething toy is a toothbrush!


  1. What a cutie! My son also loves his toothbrush. Every time he sees one of us brushing, he has to get his own and copy what we are doing. Hope he remains as enthused about it in the future.

  2. She has that same little mischievous grin that I've seen on your dad's face! I think it's the eyes.... *grin* How much fun!!
