
Monday, April 30, 2012

Arabella's third birthday

Three years ago I was gasping into an oxygen mask in the final moments before I delivered my second precious daughter, Arabella Jun.  She came in to this world bright pink and screaming, announcing to all within ear shot that she had arrived.  The past three years have been nothing but an adventure with this little girl!  Happy third birthday Arabella!
Mickey Mouse cake

Her birthday present from Mommy and Daddy was her beloved Buzz Lightyear

She was thrilled to have everyone singing Happy Birthday to her

the birthday had a mouth full of food/cake all day
The most delicious fudge chocolate cake I've made to date.  

Bouncy house!
crown decorating
Eneye with Ashlynn and her daughter Tutu
We celebrated with a party with a few of her friends here in Addis Ababa.  

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