
Thursday, March 8, 2012

I need a tune up

It’s been about a month now that I haven’t had more than a 3 hour long block of sleep at night.  Hell, it’s been long before Ashlynn was born since I had more than a 6 hour block of sleep.  The fragmented sleep has me running on fumes every day.  I’m not sure how I haven’t collapsed yet.  The only explanation I can come up with is that I’m just used to being fatigued.  It’s plausible and probable.

I’m trying to maximize the time I have in bed in the morning before I turn into a short order cook/personal wardrobe assistant/hair stylist/lunch preparer/child herder before we have to get in the car to drive to school.  I have one hour to get it all done (and change/dress/nurse the baby).  I’ve got it down to an semi-efficient science.  The downside is that the hour doesn’t include much time for my own personal grooming or maintenance.  In fact, I’m only getting a shower in the mornings every other day.  The lack of personal time extends through the rest of the day and evening. I simply have zero time to maintain myself. 

Thankfully, by the third child most of my vanity has been long thrown out the window.  I’m learning how to make the most of the 5 minutes I do get on myself in the morning.  Deodorant, perfume, baby powder in the hair, under eye concealer-most definitely, and a swipe of blush a bit of lipstick so I don’t look too tired and pale.  My over sized sunglasses have become my best friend.  Even a good pair of earrings can detract attention from my dry uneven skin and drab hair. 

The truth is, I haven’t had a hair cut in 6 months, my legs see a razor once a week if I’m lucky.  I’m in desperate need of highlights, a facial and a mani/pedi.  Today I found time to rub a handful of Aquaphor on my feet and then put socks on in hopes that my Grand Canyon feet cracks will soak up the moisture all day. 
Help is on the way. For the three and a half minutes our internet was working last week I ordered night cream and a super anti-aging spf 50 moisturizer.  It claimed to do everything but the dishes.  I also purchased some fancy dry shampoo.  When I say fancy I mean not just the plain baby powder that I’m using right now.  A baby powder-on-the-oily-scalp-gal must have started the dry shampoo craze.  I wish I would have thought about putting powder in a fancy bottle and calling it “dry shampoo”.  Genius.  I’ve never done a “hair treatment” but I ordered a weekly moisturizing hair mask to try to add some softness and manageability back into my mane.  I’m blaming my dry damaged limp locks on the life sucking dry air here in Addis Ababa.  In all fairness breast feeding and aging are contributing to my hair’s demise as well. 

Justin and I have been glued to season one and two of Mad Men (Belle Jolie episode is my favorite so far.  I love Peggy and Betty equally-what does that say about me?).  The show inspired my ordering three new lipstick colors.  All three old school Revlon.  Ordering lipstick online is a crap shoot.  Hopefully one of the three is a good color on me.  I know it’s just a TV show with make-up artists and wardrobe people but those house wives look like a million bucks all the time. Some of that must be based on the reality of 1960. I will never look like Betty Draper at the end of a long hard day with my three kids.  I even have hired help right now just like Birdie!  Anyway, lipstick has always intimidated me and I’ve only used it for special occasions.  Not any more.  I’m wearing my free gift lipstick every day.  The focus on my painted lips hopefully tears people’s eyes away from my downfalls (like my dark circled eyes and moody morning facial expression).  Mad Men makes lipstick seem more practical which I know is completely backwards.I'm certain it's because the ladies of Sterling-Cooper wouldn't go a moment without their lips done up in color. 

So I have some emergency help on the way.  It’s in the mail.  Let’s hope it comes quick.

Picture used from this lovely blog

1 comment:

  1. Your posts are always laugh out loud funny! Love you and miss you so much.
