
Monday, March 19, 2012

I heart second-hand kids clothes

My Mom likes to have a shopping mission.  I tell her I need granulated garlic, the next week I have a box with an entire jar of it.  I mention a meat mallet might be a nice addition to my kitchen she finds one for a dollar at the local Salvation Army.  The examples like this are endless.  My Mom is a bargain hunter and I definitely got my love for shopping from her.  On top of it all my Mom and Dad are wonderfully generous when it comes to their kids and grandkids.  When Addie outgrows her clothing I just mention it to Grammy and she runs down to her local children's consignment shop and picks out a pile of larger things for Addie.  The dresses are usually anywhere from $2-$6 and in wonderful condition.  Some of them you'd never know were ever worn.  It saves us a ton of money and Addie loves getting the box of new things to wear.  Grammy almost always throws in a few new (used) things for Bella and Ashlynn now too.  Here they are in their new digs.  Bella has her new airplane that Grammy and Grandpa put in the care package for her too! Thank you Grammy and Grandpa!


  1. Hi there, this is kinda random but I came across your blog when searching for second hand kids clothing on google. After reading your post I wondered if you had heard of It's an online kids clothing consignment store. You might try checking it out, they have a decent selection and variety.

  2. Thanks Heidi. The shop I'm talking about in the post is Denim and Frills in WA if you ever happen to get there

  3. I love to buy my kids second hand clothes too, I usually find great selections at Preluved.
