
Monday, February 6, 2012

School and Embassy

So far, our third world internet leaves a lot to be desired. A whole week without internet access had me itching to search the interwebs. It’s amazing how wireless internet has become something most of us take for granted.
Anyway, crappy internet is the reason why we ended up at the embassy last weekend. We grabbed our iPad and Kindle Fire and spent an hour or so letting the girls play at the playground while Justin and I downloaded the new issue of Wired (hands down the best magazine ever) . We updated our settings, downloaded a book or two, and just sat there while everything loaded. The girls didn’t mind because it’s gorgeous every day here in Ethiopia. Ashlynn napped in the Bijorn and everyone was happy.
We attended an open house at Addie’s new school. Head to Toe preschool has an adorable playground and a very well thought out education program. I was especially impressed with their art teacher and program. Miss Martha has a degree in fine arts and is marching the kids through a children’s art instructional put out by the Museum of Modern Art. It’s no wonder I’ve seen Addie’s artistic side blossom in the past few weeks. She’s thoughtfully creating drawings and coloring impeccably in the lines in her coloring books. Last month she was happy scribbling, this month she’s taking pride in her work. At school they are working with clay, paints, abstract sculpture art, paper mache, drawing and more. It’s amazing really. Each child has an art day during the week where they learn a technique and start a project. Later they can revisit their projects to keep adding to their work.
The music teacher is a sweet British primary school teacher who apologized to the American parents for all the kids coming home singing the British version of children’s songs. Justin and I were hoping she’d come home singing them in a British accent too.
Astamari (teacher) Marki is Addie’s learning block teacher who she spends time with every day. Addie loves her.
Bella loves to come in and play in the mornings when we drop Addie off.

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