
Thursday, December 15, 2011

It's a Christmas Miracle!

Ashlynn Olivia slept for six whole hours last night. She didn't wake up to eat the entire time. When she did wake, she ate and was changed and went back to sleep until 6AM. Finally waking for the morning at 7:30AM Wow, this must be what it's like to have a baby who sleeps. I'm sold.

Oh, the other miracle is that we should be in the States for Christmas now since the guy at the passport issuance desk just laughed at Justin when he heard we were supposed to be in Ethiopia mid-December.

We also just heard that the house we've been assigned, while not in the neighborhood of the international school, is a newer home and will be move-in ready when we arrive. Yay for avoiding temporary housing!

I'm off to do some Christmas baking!


  1. That is wonderful!

    Merry Christmas to all!

  2. She is beautiful! So glad that you guys get to stay for Christmas!

  3. A miracle indeed - music to any mom's ears!!! What a sweetheart!
