
Saturday, September 10, 2011

35 weeks pregnant

I definitely know how pregnant I am now. No more guessing at the month or week. Our baby girl is getting big and making me very uncomfortable. Sometimes at night when she wakes up and starts moving around I have to get out of bed and kind of rock her back to sleep by moving around. At this point she might as well be out and nursing and getting snuggles if she's going to be keeping me awake at night. My maternity support belt is a must right now. Lord help me if I forget to put it on. Yesterday, at the preschool open house a mom said I took the cake for my "fake pregnant belly" pregnancy. It's definitely in that freak show stage. Have a look.


  1. You look beautiful and you are almost there. Hope all goes well for you and your little girl!

  2. It's so funny how people carry completely differently. One of those strange little things you don't notice until you've been pregnant yourself. Good luck with your last five weeks!

  3. Looking great mama! Hope you feel good and enjoy the last 5ish weeks. Can't wait to hear about your baby news...and hopefully be able to visit before then!
