
Sunday, May 1, 2011

to Bella on her second birthday

My darling Arabella,
You have been in our lives for two years now. I remember your birth like it was yesterday. The memories are still vibrant in my mind and yet two whole years have passed. You aren't a baby any longer but a tiny little girl with a spirited personality. Every day you surprise us with something new you have accomplished. Most of the time we hear a big loud "NO" when we try to help you do something. Sure enough, if you try hard enough you can do it all by yourself. You are sweet as sugar and as spicy cayenne when you want to be. Most of the time you are a little bit of both. I'm not even a little bit sad that you are turning two. I adored you as an infant and as a one year old but you simply become more amazing with every month you grow. I am certain your two year old year will be even better than the last two.I love every little thing about you. I love the big blonde ringlet that forms in the back of your head and how your hair gets curlier when you get sweaty. I adore your smokey voice and how you pronounce your name as if it was a Spanish double L. I love how your chin appears more distinctly when you smile. I love your tiny little flat buns and your skinny strong legs that you gallop on when you and your sister skip down the side walk. I love your crazy little toenails that grow over the edges of your toes. I have to tackle you down to clip them. It's tough with those strong little legs of yours kicking. I love how your face lights up when you see me in the morning and you bounce with excitement to get in my arms. I love how you grab your sisters glass of milk along with your own, assuming she will want hers too. I love how you giggle when I say "Mommy loves Bella" at night when we are rocking before bed. I love how you bring a stuffed friend into my lap to read our bedtime stories and you tell your friend to "sit" and "stay". I love how fire engine sirens or backfiring cars spook you to tears and I have to snuggle you and explain everything is OK. I love how you really think sharks are animals that can crawl in the bedroom and under the covers to pinch your feet when you and your sister are hiding under the covers. I love that you say hello and wave to people we see on the street.You've taken to growling at people when you are mad just as if you were a dinosaur. I adore your stubborn streak even though it drives me mad because your father and I dread the manifestation of those tantrums in your future 16 year old self. We know we will be faced with a fearless strong daughter who will do amazing things. We are preparing ourselves for lots of sleepless nights worrying about you as you grow up.

I am so proud of you Arabella, you are such a smart and curious little girl. You share my heart with your big sister but that doesn't mean you get half. You get my entire heart because I am certain, as the sun rises every morning, that when you were born my heart doubled in size so I could love you and be your Mommy. I love you Bella. Happy Birthday Bean.


  1. happy birthday to your darling girl! what a lovely letter for her to treasure someday.

  2. Oh, that letter is priceless! I know Bella will love reading it over and over...

  3. She will cherish this letter forever! And, your heart did grow bigger when Bella was born, just as it will grow bigger when baby #3 arrives this fall. Hope to see you all this summer. Love, Donna

  4. Such a sweet little girl who is lucky to have a sweet mama to love her. 2 years!!!

  5. Happy birthday Bella! That is such a sweet letter, Sara. Can't wait to meet her when you all come back to the States!

  6. What a beautiful tribute to Miss Bella Bean. Happy Birthday!!!

  7. I loved your letter to Bella! I can't wait to see her in person!
