
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Baby number 3 makes a family of 5

We're having another baby! Due October 23, 2011. Please excuse my absence on the blog I have been neglectful but it's only because I feel more tired than I ever have felt before (besides the first 8 months of both girls lives-that was tired too).

I'm also sick with a sensitive stomach, nausea, food aversions (tons of those in the Philippines), vomiting, cravings (too bad no one can send me grapefruit-I just want a stinking grapefruit and maybe a box of saltines) the whole nine yards just the same as the first two pregnancies. I thought I might be spared for the third pregnancy (after paying my dues last two times) but sure enough right at 6 weeks I started to feel crummy. I just hope the next few weeks hurry by so I can start to feel a little normal albeit my growing belly (which also seems to expand faster and faster with every pregnancy).

Addie is excited and talks about having another little sister. Bella might have a rude awakening when her favorite Mommy lap starts to be overtaken with the next baby. Both girls will be exceptional big sisters. Whether they have a little bother or sister.

We are thrilled because we will be welcoming this baby into the world in America! No med-evac travel necessary, no rushing to get passports or saying goodbye to Daddy two weeks after the birth, no traveling alone around the world with an infant and two other kids. Hooray! We get to play house like a normal American family of five for a few months before our next post to Africa hits us. We are very blessed to be able to plan the next baby to arrive just at the perfect time. Perfect timing as in where we will be located. I'm guessing the timing of the birth coinciding with planning for two years in Africa will be slightly challenging; hardly perfect by any standard. I'm not one to make it easy on myself though.

I guess when life get's busy we just decide to throw another child in the mix! Yay for our little growing family of five!


  1. I am so excited for you! I am secretly hoping for a boy though! :)

  2. So very happy for you guys. I am campaigning for a girl name that can shortened to Cate or Catie to keep the a,b,c trend going. Are you already searching your favorite books for ideas?

    And to get to have the baby in the U.S.! What a treat!
    Love to you all!

  3. Thanks everyone. We are so excited! The girl name is tough. Nothing is sticking out for us. We do need to start strumming through our literature. Justin has some ideas but nothing I love.

  4. Nathan and I are so excited for you four, and you will make wonderful parents three times over and the girls will be great big sisters! Can't wait to meet your newest little one when you are back in the states. I will be on maternity leave until you go back overseas so we will have to hang out! Hope you get feeling better soon!

  5. Heather-that is so fun. You will definitely have to bring your baby boy over and we will trek down to you too. The girls need a little country after all this city. Y

  6. Oh, wow, congratulations! So excited for you guys! Hope you feel better soon. Perhaps we'll get a chance to meet in person and have the kids get to know each other and play together while you are in D.C.

  7. Oh yes Daniela, that would be great. Let's plan on it.

  8. I'm so excited! And hoping for a boy :) I must admit, I loved being pregnant, however do not miss that sick feeling! There is an end in sight!

  9. Congrats!!!!!!
    Good job on the planning and coordination... us, not so much. Arrived at post and 2 weeks later learned we were 6 weeks prego....and super sick. We medevac out in May and will then move the herd back once again to Dhaka.

    Best wishes for a joyful pregnancy!!

  10. YAY!YAY!YAY!YAY!!! Will you guys be swingin' through WA on your way to the other Washington? Do let me know, I'd love to see you all and meet Justin in person! :-)

  11. I was gone for a while and missed your news!! Many congrats! I think I also missed your next post news? Where in Africa are you going?
