
Sunday, February 13, 2011

love birds

Happy St. Valentines Day

Our girls woke up to find their own sweet pair of love birds for Valentines Day. Addie claimed the pink bird as her own and named her Lisa. The red one got a chocolate croissant kiss from Bella.Addie chose her favorite pink dress, purple bow headband and sparkly shoes; "cause it's Valentines Day" for school today. She hand wrote her name on 18 of the 20 Valentines for her classmates and teachers this morning.

I feel really blessed to have three wonderful people to say "I love you" to and give a big hug and kiss. I won't lie, the kisses in return were pretty special too.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously....could you BE any more creative?? That is a wonderful use of the bird cages - I keep wanting to buy one here and think I have no use for it - genius!! Wishing you and the family a love-filled day :)
