
Sunday, January 16, 2011

then came the weekend

As you can tell by my last two blog entries, I'm feeling a little uninspired lately. Even after a phenomenal weekend that ran right into Monday. I guess I don't have a ton to say about our awesome long weekend. It was pretty awesome though. We took pictures. Here they are...

After the park and the market on Saturday, Bella went home to take a nap with Daddy while Adelaide and I paid way too much to have her hair trimmed. She loved the pampering though. She's getting so stinkin big!That rainy evening we took the girls to our favorite restaurant, Chelsea, in Fort Bonifacio. This place gets it right from the mix of relaxed and formal decor to the exceptional food and plating. Plus they had Justin's favorite Arrogant Bastard Ale. He shed a little tear of joy when it came to the table.We were thrilled to see a new gelato shop open by Chelsea. We all tasted a ton of flavors and then ordered three cones. Addie got lucky that her Dad doesn't like chocolate ice cream (what the!?) so she doesn't have to share with him. Bella wouldn't let me stretch our cone away from her mouth so it took some maneuvering for me to get a lick in here and there.After our ice cream Addie discovered puddle stomping in her new "runners" was awesome. Both girls were soaked with Manila puddle water. Fantastic!Sunday morning we went to church because Justin said he needed to be reminded of what really matters in life after a heartbreaking Raven's loss. We were early to Mass, which is probably the first time we have been early for anything. Especially church!Justin and I have been craving sushi since Friday night when our plans for a sushi date night were foiled by traffic (instead we went to our usual Thai place). We got our sushi fix Sunday when we took the girls with us for lunch. Amazingly both girls scarfed the sashimi. Bella downed some tuna and Addie devoured the octopus. She was kind of surprised after we told her what she'd just ate a plate of. Bella grabbed the blob of wasabi on the plate and I had to intercept that taste testing.Sunday evening we went to the park so the girls could run around. I love that Addie now analyzes all sidewalks for their scooter riding potential. She cruised around the park like she's been scooting her entire life. I love how confident she looks riding her scooter. She's proud of her skills. Bella kicked the ball around. The girls slept hard both nights after our busy days. I love wearing them out but in doing so the adults were seriously worn out too.

We had an awesome weekend. It's so nice to be able to get out and do things for a large chunk of the morning before Bella needs a nap after lunch. I think when Addie was Bella's age we were feeling this sort of freedom again too. We are definitely feeling the count down until we leave Manila and that helps us to stay motivated to do all our favorite things while we are still living in the Philippines.


  1. I don't know how much you pay for Addie's haircut, but we pay $20 just for Riley to get a trim! I think it's outrageous!

  2. Wow!! Chocolate and blue eyes, what a great combination, who knew? As always, your photos tell the story.

  3. This makes me miss the 'pines and you guys. Addie needs to get herself some rainboots and make good with all those puddles. They are on mega sale here in the states.

    Stella and I will be going to the barber soon enough. It has been discussed and it is necessary. It is getting to the crackage which means a trim is forthcoming.

    Hugs and kisses to all my girls! Give Justin a knuckle bump or something cool like that. xoxo.

  4. Ok, Addie eating Octopus???? What the what??? You can tell she has spent almost her entire life in Asia. :)
