
Saturday, January 8, 2011

return from the Orange Bowl

It's not crazy at all that my husband spent close to 60 hours of airline travel to get from Manila to Miami for the Orange Bowl and then back to Manila in less than a week. He's not off his rocker he's just a huge Virginia Tech football fan. He giddily turned to me one evening before the holidays and said he'd found a round trip airline ticket for $30 using his saved airline miles, then pleaded, "can I go, can I go?" like a 5 year old boy asking his Mom. I think my response was "sure, but don't you want to see if someone can go with you?" Sure enough Elyse signed her husband Joe, Justin's best friend's, permission slip and off the two boys went to the game. The outcome of the game dissapointed a tad but the company did not. I'm glad they got to have the weekend together but I am definitely keeping tabs on all these awesome adventures he goes on while I'm at home with the kids. Some day I have a trip coming my way. You better believe I'm collecting.Upon loco-Hokie-football-fan's return the girls were ecstatic! We spent the first two nights turning in early enough that the old folks would be teasing us. Justin from jet lag and me from staying up way too late and getting up way too early every day Justin was gone. Saturday, we felt normal even if the girls and I are coming down with yet another head cold. We spent the afternoon getting an early bird special Thai "dinner" (at 4PM) and then some "runners" for Addie. She especially needs tennis shoes for her new scooter. Dad promised to take her scooting today. Here they are posing with their "runners".


  1. I'm glad that Justin got to go to the game and hang out with some good friends! The scooters were definitely big hits this year for Christmas!

  2. Paris---T minus 3 years and counting! :)
    Those boys are too darn cute to not let them go out and play once in a while.

  3. Sounds like a trip to Canyon Ranch for you and Elyse. Paris is much too romantic to go without the boys.
