
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

pulled the trigger

We've needed a new duvet cover for pretty much as long as I can remember. In between co-ops in college I decided I was too cool for an extra long twin bed and bought a futon (surprise it's now in my in-laws spare bedroom-the same futon Addie got her first scar from crashing her face into the edge of the arm rest while refusing to go down for a nap back in 2009. The same futon that was our first couch in our first apartment together and then again in our first house. Oh the futon memories.)

Along with this futon I bought myself my first down comforter. It's a queen sized $99 bed-in-a-bag kind of deal from Meyer and Frank department store in 2002. It came with a white damask duvet cover and two standard shams. My husband and I have used the one and the same comforter and duvet since then (or after I graduated and we moved in together-not long after). This comforter has been well loved and feels just right all of the time. It's light and airy (or lacking in down after all these years) and perfect for our tropical climate and or both times I was a walking brick oven while pregnant.

So the comforter is a keeper but the duvet has been in line to go for a few years now. Can I tell you how uninterested I have been to spend the kind of money they (anywhere-even Target) wants to charge me for a new duvet cover? Zero interest. I've looked and looked. Every time I am in the States or browsing sales I look for duvets. I almost even pulled the trigger on a duvet I found on Overstock but couldn't go through with it and it's large printed fabric. I like to pretend I love colorful patterned bed linens but I'm just kidding myself. White linens are where it's at for me. Maybe it's because white is all we've had or it could be that week we had at the Ritz in the glorious white down everything bed before we moved to Manila. Give me white and if you could make the linens vintage and hand embroidered that would be fabulous. Than you very much.

On to the point of my blog post. My New Year's resolution to get organized is paying off already. I was organizing a drawer and found two Pottery Barn gift cards we received as wedding gifts. I specifically set aside a few unused gift cards when we were packing up to move to the Philippines. I stuffed a stack of them in the front pocket of my diaper bag with the intention to use them for some online shopping when we moved in to our unknown new home. Three years later and the same gift cards are still sitting there. As fate would have, it I popped on PB and immediately made a b-line to the sale (who doesn't unless you are trying to get design or furniture ideas?). White sale looks good to me. So does a white duvet framed with embroidered powder blue dots. Free monogramming until Jan 26 is also awesome.* Two unused gift cards sealed the deal. I pulled the trigger on a grown up duvet along with two standard and Euro shams. Hot damn! 2011 looks pretty awesome right now.

I really love that I could fulfill my organization resolution with online shopping. (I pitched the used gift cards so essentially I de-cluttered our home). Really, it was a win win situation. The sad thing is, I know we will keep my old college duvet because the minute Lucy starts licking her paws on my nice new PB set, I'll be pulling out the old one to drape on her end of the bed. Or maybe I need a coverlet!

*We will now have bedding that gives a warm welcome to a former President to join us between the sheets (that's the first and last time I will ever think of any President, past or present in my sheets)

1 comment:

  1. I am with you on the duvet covers. I love them and I don't know why they have to be so expensive. I do like color though. I have been buying mine at IKEA where they have sales occasionally but not often enough.

    We don't have a dog but we do have two 8-year old cats that still like to knead every now and then and have put holes in our lovely (and well loved) duvet covers, which makes me so upset...
