
Friday, January 21, 2011

ballet class

Addie recently expressed interest in taking a ballet class. Technically, she's been interested in ballet for quite a while but it was just recently that she's felt brave enough to actually join a real dance class.

Today was her first day at Steps Dance Studio. On the car ride to the studio she was bouncing out of her seat with excitement. I've never seen Addie so ecstatic. I had planned to just observe the class today, but when we arrived and she showed no hesitation to put on her ballet gear and join the other little girls without me; I encouraged her to go on in. She listened very intently and followed her teacher, Miss Alice's, instructions. It was sweet to see how focused she was on getting it right.Since the class was a success, we signed up to go once a week and got a yellow leotard and white skirt to match the other little girls. We already got the ballet hair style down! Addie is thrilled although she did express a little disappointment that they didn't really do any dancing today. I explained to her the importance of learning the basic steps of ballet before you can be a ballerina. I'm not sure she completely understands but I doubt she cares. My favorite moment was when each of the little girls had the opportunity to slide across the floor on tip toe with their hands on their hips. Miss Alice worked with each girl to get it right. I could even tell through the window that Miss Alice reminded Addie to smile. She had her game face on the entire class.

Moms are not allowed inside the class room so I had to sneak a few shots through the blinds.


  1. So ADORABLE! I'm so proud of her! The recitals will be so much fun!

  2. These pictures are so precious! They bring back some traumatizing memories of my own ballet lessons when I was about Addie's age. Our instructor told us every day to remember to "suck in our watermelons". As in our stomachs. I got kicked out of the class eventually for being too hyper. Here's hoping Addie's class goes better!

  3. Oh, that is just too cute! Addie is such a beautiful little ballerina!

  4. It was beyond adorable to watch the little girls. Miss Alice was strict about their behavior in class but Addie claims she didn't instruct her to suck in her belly! At least not yet.

    Mich-how funny that you were kicked out!

  5. She looks like a natural! That is the cutest thing. I think you have a little ballerina in your future -:).

  6. Oh, Addie is soooo cute!

    Something about girls in ballerina outfits gets me every time. Our daughter went to ballet for a year and had a couple of wonderful recitals. I love the memories and pictures. We were also not allowed in the room which really bummed me out because the pictures you take through glass/blinds are not as good. Oh, well. Enjoy it and take as many pictures as you can!!!

  7. Hi NHP, thanks for commenting. Do we know one another? If not, hello.

  8. Yes, it's Heather in Haymarket -:). I guess when I log in through google, it is our initials...Nathan Heather Purcell...

  9. So sweet! And so focused! I'm glad Addie has a chance to live her dream. Lots of love to you all. Aunt MK

  10. Makes me want to try again for a girl...almost!! :)
    She is beautiful Sara and the ballet gear looks great on here.

  11. I was always the "how not to do it"
    girl in my ballet class. That solo photo of Addie (even though it's her back) is excellant.
