
Monday, November 22, 2010

what's your favorite?

I love these snow covered mini trees on the top of our book shelf. I have a bunch of these little trees in all shapes and sizes. They bring to mind Burl Ives Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Some day the girls will lay down fake snow first then dot the snow with these little trees and make holiday scenes with our ornaments. I used to love doing that with my Mom's Christmas decorations.

What's your favorite holiday decoration? Does it evoke childhood memories for you too?


  1. It would most definately have to be the ornaments on my parents' tree- every year we always got a new ornament. I went through phases, all crayola ornaments, all Winnie the Pooh ornaments, all ballet ornaments... Jack Frost is one of my very favorites. *grin* I'll get pictures when we put up the tree!

  2. Sara- hands down the clay ornaments we made for mom and dad in elementary school. Each year there are more cracks and more glue but I love them. I also like the music box with the moving parts.

  3. your home looks SO lovely w all the decorations.
