
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Traveling families need apps!

I really wish I would have had this list prior to our travel to NZ. Luckily, we will have it for all our additional flights and car rides. Addie loves the iTouch and all the apps we have already for her to doodle with while we travel. This list opens up a whole new world for us. I'm so excited. And I must share it.

Holiday Travels? There's an app for that! at Classy Chaos.


  1. Without a yaya I confess when I have to leave Stella for an extended amount of time or when we travel on long trips the ipod touch comes out (we have two so each kid gets one). It is a little embarrassing but seriously a godsend. Travel can only get better from here Sara. You should download Elmo's Monster Maker. We love that one. Also there is one called samuri fruit or something where kids chop up fruit. Strangely addicting.

    Miss you!
