
Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy 3rd Anniversary to me!

I've been writing this blog for three years. Three whole years. I still remember writing my first post. We've come a long way since then! Back then, I didn't know how much this blog would become part of our life. It's become the way our family and friends can keep up with us, a creative outlet for me, my connection to a whole new community of people, and our personal family journal. Whether you've been there right along with us since 2007 or you're a new friend; I appreciate you reading and supporting us through our life's journey.

In honor of my anniversary, I am going to create a list of my favorite posts. Keep an eye out for it later this week.

Here's to another three years!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lady, we started our blogs 5 days apart! Great minds think alike... Although, yours is much more entertaining than mine.

    Happy Anniversary to US! *grin*
