
Monday, November 15, 2010

customer service is NOT lost

I'm a big Piperlime fan. A while ago I hoped on the website to browse the shoe selection and was immediately bombarded with a pop up telling me that I was searching from another country and could I please select which country I would be shipping to. Of course there was no way for me to click U.S., it wasn't even an option in the drop down menu. So I had to ignore the pop up. I logged in to my account and made sure my shipping specifications were in place and hoped that would do the trick. Nope, EVERY time I clicked on something the "We see you are in the Philippines" pop-up arrived, until I got so fed up with this stupid thing that I closed my browser and went over to Zappos.

I went back to Piperlime a few months ago just to see if I could search again without being annoyed by the pop up that couldn't figure out I was logged in as a U.S. user but living overseas. No, same problem with the pop up.

You wanna know what I did? I got on Skype and called Piperlime customer service. I gave the gal on the phone the story and explained my problem which she could clearly sympathize with, even after she asked me to do the log-in and save my shipping preferences thing. So she said she'd take it back to her manager.

Ask and you shall receive folks, cause I popped on Piperlime today and they fixed the problem. The pop up now asks the right questions and when I select U.S. in the drop-down menu it goes away and leaves me alone to search the new Rachel Zoe picks in peace.

Thank you Piperlime! What great customer service. I'm happy to have helped fix this annoying issue for all my shoe loving FS/Diplomat/military friends. You are welcome!


  1. That makes me happy because I was having the same issue. Good to know it is fixed.

  2. Same thing happened to me too. So annoying. I love that you actually did something about it (and it worked!). Lesson learned!
