
Monday, October 18, 2010

We're in New Zealand!

We've been in Dunedin, New Zealand for a few days now. It's gorgeous. The sky is blue. The air is fresh. The flowers are in bloom and everything is so spectacularly green it looks painted on. The vistas are breathtaking. Blue green water meets lush green mountainous pastures and rugged hills. White sheep dot the hillsides just as the fluffy clouds dot the clear skies.

It's been cold and breezy so we've been bundling up in our jeans, sweaters, scarfs and boots (my boots are awesome by the way). The Kiwis are thrilled that spring is finally here so we've seen some seriously under dressed college students walking around while we've been donning our mittens and down jackets. Warming our toes by the gas stove in the apartment while drinking hot tea has warmed our hearts. We are in love with New Zealand. It's simply majestic.


  1. I am glad your boots are working out!

    New Zealand sounds wonderful.

  2. NZ is definately on my bucket list. Sound wonderful.

  3. Jealous-of the vacation, the weather and the boots! Glad you're having fun!

  4. I can't wait to hear all about your trip and see pictures!!
