
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

date night in St. Clair

Justin and I didn't think we'd have any time to ourselves during our trip to New Zealand. To our surprise, my Aunt and Uncle were superstars by offering to babysit Addie and Bella so we could have dinner on Tuesday night. Seriously, how could we say no to that generosity? They popped over to our apartment that evening, we put the girls to bed and were in the car on our way to St. Clair by 8PM! All on our own! We couldn't believe it. St. Clair is a little seafront town in Dunedin and a few restaurants dot the street lining the ocean. We hurried our freezing little tushies into Esplanade which had been recommended to us. We picked the table closest to the fire place and ordered NZ wine (for me), Speight's beer (for my hubby) and fresh muscles (for both of us to scarf down our faces before we passed out from drunken hunger). The good food kept coming. Justin had New Zealand lamb (best in the world) and I had the fresh fish (with spinach risotto-joy!). Burbon bread pudding finished off the meal. The best treat of the night was having a quiet lengthy meal alone with my husband while our children slept safely and soundly back at our apartment. Perfection!

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