
Thursday, October 28, 2010

3rd Annual Halloween Party

I was overly ambitious (read-insane), hosting a kids Halloween party three days after returning to Manila after our vacation in New Zealand. Still jet lagged and needing a moment alone after nine straight days of holding my 25 lb daughter; I was throwing a party. The invitations went out to all of Addie's classmates before we left for New Zealand so the party was definitely on. I pulled myself together and pulled the party together and onward it went.

We had 17 kids as well as plenty of Moms and Yayas. The cupcakes were divine. Probably the best I've ever made. Addie made the ghosts for the lolly pops mostly all by herself. The party goers decorated pumpkin and ghost shaped sugar cookies and played. We attempted a marshmallow bobbing game with straws that turned out to be a little too complicated for the kids. It was still fun though. The only casualty of the party was our little fairy painted wooden table. Byproduct of the 11 boys 3 girls ratio of her preschool class. Ah well. That's how the cookie crumbles.Arabella is not too thrilled with costumes other than her diaper and a tutu so we improvised. Addie on the other hand couldn't wait to wear her kitty cat princess costume.Our ghosts hung with prideThe sprinkle line-upBella had playmates her age since two of Addie's friends have younger siblings.Arabella was a Baltimore Raven by the end of the partyWe even got some of the kids to stand for a group shot and in chorus sing "cheeeeeeese"Bella wasn't thrilled another child was playing with her shapes. She kept challenging him. It was a great party and Adelaide was a sweet little host. She greeted everyone at the door and said thank you for coming as they left. When all her friends had gone she was plum tuckered out. "Did you have fun?" I asked her. "Yes" she replied "That party was too fast, can we do it again?" Lucky for her we have two more Halloween parties this week to attend.

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