
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday at Legaspi

We walked to the Legaspi market on Sunday to get some Tongs coffee to brew all week and let the girls play at a different playground. While we were there we:

Bought some mini quiches only for me to spill them all over the concrete 10 minutes later (we ate them anyway).

Drank fresh buko (coconut juice).

Fed the girls lemon juice pops.

Heaved our way-too-big-and-unwieldy Sit-N-Stand stroller through the deserted neighborhood.

Sacrificed my Nalgene of water for the dog who was thrilled to be on an outing with us.

Wiped yellow mustard out of Arabella's hair after her Dad accidentally blooped some on her head after reaching with his German sausage holding hand.

Played at the playground that was nuclear hot-for 10 minutes.

Practically had to carry Lucy the last block home since she's become a city dog and her tongue was almost dragging on the sidewalk.

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