
Sunday, September 12, 2010

grown-up museum

We hit that "what-do-we-do-today?" lull on Sunday morning. That feeling that makes you just want to curl up on the couch with a book and drink tea all day or just lie on the floor and snooze. Sadly, neither of those two scenarios are options for Sunday afternoons at our house with two busy little girls. Justin made the executive decision that we were headed to the Pambansang Museo ng Pilipinas (Philippine National Museum).

Adelaide was initially distraught that we were going to a museum. When we explained that it wasn't the Children's Museum she was OK with the outing. We were the only people at the museum on this fine Sunday afternoon. We had two tour guides who directed us from one exhibit to the next. Addie was thrilled to enter each room. She oohed and aahed over some of the ship wreckage pots and the big cannons. She loved it. This statue was, no doubt, her favorite because it's a Daddy with Addie on his back. Bella was thrilled to be barefoot since the hard wood floors were so slippery she kept slipping in her shoes. She ran around straining to be released from our grips most of the tour. By the end her little feet were black and she was hungry. It was a really nice afternoon at the museum. The girls were well behaved and the outing got us out of our Sunday morning lull.We knowingly made the mistake of heading to the Balikbayan Handicrafts store on the way home from the museum. We had some time to kill before dinner and neither Justin or I had been to the huge warehouse store that houses tons of local handicrafts and furniture all made in the Philippines. We quickly walked through the store and decided it would be best for me to come back alone to purchase any souvenirs for our home. The girls got a thrill out of the Buddhas. Bella kept putting her finger in their smiling mouths and making a growling/chomping noise that we make for toys at home that are eating her fingers. Kind of like a Cookie Monster noise. It's hilarious with her little raspy deep voice of hers. Onward home we went so as to not accidentally break something in the store!

1 comment:

  1. Balikbayan is AWESOME. I spent a load of money there before coming home and filled an entire LARGE suitcase with gifts. We'll have to check out the museum sometime.
