
Sunday, August 29, 2010

outdoor shopping Filipino style

We spent the afternoon at Tiendesitas today looking at antiques, puppies, and t-shirts. This place has tons of local handicrafts, cheap clothing, Chinese made toys, food, wood art, ...and the list goes on. They were having a pit bull dog show this afternoon so the girls were thrilled to see all the dogs. It's a very dog friendly area with lots of little pet shops full of adorable but sad looking puppies. I really loved this little caramel miniature poodle. He reminds me of my best friend's childhood dog Ferme la bouche. We could have easily come home with another dog but instead we found something cool for the house. Wood carvings are all over the Philippines so it would be strange for us to leave this country without a few. Our wood purchase wasn't a decorative carving but a utilitarian one. It's an old cart wheel from the 1900's. It stood out for both Justin and I as something that is Filipino but not Catholic iconography. I really love the metal work. There were a couple wheels that weren't as battered but I really liked the well used one (wheely bug is for scale-although I'm sure it will get parked there plenty). Justin picked up a few dollar coins from 1898 when the Philippines was a United States colony. That's where our purchases stopped being antique and became silly. Justin found a Master's of the Universe t-shirt and had to bring it home. Really? How could we pass it up?It was hot and muggy as it always is in Manila so we took in as much of the outdoor shopping we could before we needed to stop for shakes. We finished the evening off with a Filipino attempt at Mexican food which was actually quite descent. I was starving so it tasted spectacular going down. The fried ice cream always finishes off Mexican just right. Justin can barely hold Arabella back in this photo.


  1. Love the wheel. Wish I could have been there to shop with you. Miss you all.

  2. The He-Man shirt might be the best purchase EVER!! I admit, I was a big fan of that show. I am pretty sure I watched every episode.
    By the Power of Castle Greyskull, I am He-Man...

  3. I watched it too! It was good. Cartoons were good then.

  4. Anything special represented by the wheel?
    I love all that lore stuff.
