
Friday, August 13, 2010

dinner madness

I am So. Tired. Of refereeing dinners with my three year old.

I am so tired of her claims of dislike before she's even sits down to take a bite.

I am so tired of fingers in ketchup.

I am so tired of negotiating numbers of bites before being excused.

I am so tired of hamster size bites.

I am so tired of whining and crying over sticky fingers, gooey chins and dropped sippy cups.

I am so tired of dinners with my three years old.

That's why I got out the bottle of Chenin Blanc from the fridge and finished it off on an empty stomach as I sat and watched her make shapes in her food with her fingers, pick minuscule bits of broccoli out of her meal, and make faces at the piece of food waiting on her fork.

I am SO. Done. With. Dinner. with my three year old.

Thank God it's date night (hence my empty stomach).


  1. This will be one of those great entries that parents put in their child's year book for the senior year.

    Find your happy place...

  2. If you think that is dinner madness, you should come to my house! Lol!

  3. Better yet Rach, we could get all four of the girl together. Then we'd need a full bottle of wine between the two of us!

  4. It gets better, I promise. Ben is a fantastic dinner partner now. Eli on the other hand....

  5. Sara -
    I am loving reading through your blog!! And to be honest, feel like we may be having very, very parallel experiences right now with lovely, challenging daughters!
    Let me know if you need a shipment of ca phe - I would be happy to send some to you - Meredith
