
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Rogue Nation: in honor of my craft beer loving husband

My husband loves beer, not just any old beer; good, flavorful, craft beer. It's a good thing he fell in love and married a girl from the Pacific Northwest. Oregon is a really great place to be if you love micro brew. Manila, Philippines on the other hand is not. On the way back from the aquarium I stopped at Rogue Headquarters in Newport to snap some shots and pay homage to the wonderful beer that my sweet husband loves, but would not be sampling, since he is around the world at home in Manila. The brewer I ran into welcomed my camera in the brewery. The entire place smelled like hops, the people were as cool as the beer, and I felt oddly out of place and at the same time welcomed with my little knowledge of micro brew. I love to drink the beer but am not into who makes what and what hops are used for which beer, etc. I even made a huge fauz paux and asked where the Arrogant Bastard Ale t-shirts were and Doh! Rogue doesn't even brew that beer (which is Justin's all time favorite). Some other rival micro brewery is the maker. I felt like an idiot. Oh well, it was fun to see the place which felt very much like a small brewery shop even with all Rogue's international popularity. I wish my husband could have been there because I know he would have loved it. These photos are for you Justin!

1 comment:

  1. This trip is way better than 4 days in Vietnam. I felt like Homer Simpson looking at those pictures. I love you-
