
Sunday, July 18, 2010

meet baby Carson

We've been going, going, going since last Wednesday. We said farewell to Megan (so very sad) then welcomed our friend Elyse and her youngest son, Carson on Thursday. We washed the sheets on the futon and made up the bed in just enough time for our new visitors to snuggle in. It was so wonderful to hold Justin's God son, little 5 month old Carson for the first time. The last time we were together was when I was five months pregnant with Arabella. We missed Elyse's entire pregnancy and now the third little Knight boy is 5 months and we finally get to see him in person. The girls loved Carson. He's absolutely adorable and so sweet that it's hard not to fall in love with his heart breaker big blue eyes and his happy disposition. The weather cooperated enough to play outside and take them to Portland on Friday. We checked out The Green Frog for toys to bring back to Carson's big brothers, Cha Cha Cha! for lunch, and Jamison Square for play. It was a glorious day. Seeing some of Portland together was fun but just sitting and talking (while being continuously interrupted by our dear children) was the best part of the weekend together.
I can't believe how unbelievably lucky we were to get a three day visit with Elyse and Carson. They flew all the way to the west coast just to visit with us (we weren't the only friends and family they saw-we didn't hog them for all three days). I can't thank them enough for visiting. It really was an extra special treat. It's not often that Elyse has a few days being a mom of just one baby instead of her usual busy days of mothering three busy and wonderful boys. It was a nice vacation for her and lucky for us, it was right here with US in Washington! I sent them off this morning bright and early so Elyse could get home to the other three men in her life who have desperately missed Mom (I am counting her husband too)!


  1. It was a fantastic trip!! Thanks for everything! Tell Addie that I can't wait to play Barbies with her again and give Bella a funny face and a tongue click for me. :) Miss you guys already!

  2. Sounds like you guys had a nice visit with Elyse and Carson. Carson is so stinking adorable! But so are my nieces!
