
Monday, July 12, 2010

Back from the Oregon Coast

We're home! Addie, Bella and I just spent 5 days on the Oregon Coast with my parents and sister, Megan. We had such a great time in Lincoln City that we ended up staying an extra night. I just wasn't ready to leave after the third night. The weather kept getting better day after day. The beach house was beautiful with great beach access. We spent lots of time on the sand playing and splashing in the freezing cold water. The girls didn't need much introduction to the Oregon Coast. A beach is a beach right? There was much consternation on why we had to wear jackets and sweaters (Addie never wore pants or capris the entire trip no matter how much I pleaded) outside but for the most part the girls enjoyed the beach in the same ways we would enjoy any beach we've been to. Granted, we weren't letting Addie wear her arm floaties and just wade in and swim when ever she wanted, but the girls definitely got wet. As the days went by they got more leery to the cold water. At first we had to hold them back, especially Bella. She wanted to leap into the waves. I couldn't help but feel emotional seeing my daughters play at the beach that I spent my childhood summers at. I'm so glad they could have this experience.

The trip down to the coast was nice, we were all excited and I armed myself with our portable DVD player. I tried to catch a few Zs while the girls were occupied. As soon as I closed my eyes, the half-way mark Dairy Queen was in view. Both girls had no issue with this detour. After our ice cream break we made good timing. While waiting to move in to our home away from home, we made good use of the time and introduced the girls to the beach. They were ecstatic. Our girls are beach babes no matter what the temperature or where the beach is located. We literally had to hold Arabella back so she wouldn't just run into the waves. She headed straight for the water every time she hit the sand. The cold water didn't seem to deter her. She let out a little gasp the first time she sat in the water but it didn't seem to phase her. The water was cold! It was great to get out of the car and breath in the fresh salty ocean air.

1 comment:

  1. How funny - DQ was always our stopping point on the way to Ocean City! Nice to share your childhood memories with your babies!
